Sunday, March 16, 2014

Where God Guides, He Provides

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:19

Reading this verse reminds us that where God guides, He provides.  When He has led you to do something that brings glory and honor to Him, He is going to see you through and equip you with what you need.  "Needs" and "wants" are regularly confused in our society.  Sometimes we think God is not providing when He should be.  Chances are, it probably is not a true need or it's going to give glory to the wrong person.

I love the song by Lindsay McCaul called "Take My Hand".  When reflecting on Peter's journey in the book of Matthew where he stepped out to walk on water and meet Jesus amongst the waves (Matthew 14:22-33), she wrote this song.  It's about the moments God calls us to specific action, and we start on our pursuit with bravery and strength.  But as soon as we realize how inadequate we are, that a situation is out of our control, or that we cannot orchestrate any of the events to achieve our goal, we begin sinking.  Part of the lyrics say:

                                        You're telling me that faith is all I need,
                                        but FEAR is all that I can find in me.
                                        Didn't you know that I'd be scared?
                                        Couldn't you see I was unprepared?
                                        I'm not asking for reasons you hold, or the safety of land,
                                        I just need you to take my hand.

We want to praise our heavenly Father for holding our hands down this adoption path.  When tremendous adversity has materialized and we have found only fear in ourselves, He has made His presence known.  A month after beginning our process, Jon had to change jobs for medical reasons and our income was cut in half.  Yet we have exactly enough to pay our bills.

A goal of $43,000 for adoption costs can be ignored momentarily, but once your savings is dramatically cut-off, the enormity of that figure is paralyzing.  But look where He has brought us!  We have earned/saved/fundraised or been given/granted/loaned almost $32,000!!!  We are experiencing exceptional generosity.  Family and friends have been crazy supportive, and it just keeps amplifying.  Jon has a family member who participated in one of our fundraisers, and now continues to send us a check every few weeks.  Anonymous donors have given another $109 on Oliver's Reece's Rainbow account. The two part-time jobs I have taken on have contributed an additional $1250, and I was also able to have an Origami Owl fundraiser for another organization along the way!

A home built to accommodate a family of four has blossomed to comfortably hold seven without any remodeling or construction.  The extra beds we have needed have been built by my oh-so-talented hubby!  A new friend gave us a car seat for Kalli that is in excellent condition, and we were able to use coupons and discounts to get a sweet deal on a car seat for Oliver.  Two girlfriends from church gave us goodies to keep Kalli clothed all summer long.

Responding to God's calling does not mean the trek will be easy, but we are especially grateful to serve a God who loves us as His children.  He holds our hands, guides us, is remarkably patient, and never stops giving us second chances.  I'm going to close with the words from another song, this one by Nichole Nordeman:

What kind of love,
would take your shame
and spill His blood
for you,
and save us by His wounds.
Thank you heavenly Father for your love, guidance, and provision!

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